Δευτέρα 4 Φεβρουαρίου 2013

What is the longest word in the English language?
SMILES: there is a mile between the first and last letters!"

The man: "God, how long is a million years?"
God: "To me, it's about a minute."
The man: "God, how much is a million dollars?"
God: "To me it's a penny."
The man: "God, may I have a penny?"
God: "Wait a minute." 

Why is the Great Wall of China one of the 7 wonders?   
 (Because it is the only Chinese thing that lasted more than one week)                                                                                                         

What does a cannibal say when he sees a pregnant woman???
Kinder surpsrise

What is black, white and pink???
 An embarrassed zebra                                                                                                                          
How did the last Pontios athlete die?
He cut himself in the finish line…

Teacher: Maria please show America on the map.
Maria: There it is.
Teacher: Well done. Now class, who found America?
Class: Maria did.